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Home Service - Errand Runner 1.2
What is Impind?A mobile technology platform that provides an instant match forconsumers who are ‘looking to get something done’, with relevantproviders who can ‘get it done’When you sign up on impind.com, you can get instant access tolocal providers that can help with what you need done.What is unique about Impind?Impind is a technology platform which makes a match between your‘demand’ and the locally available ‘supply’.We screen service providers, hold them accountable to qualitywork, stringent quality and background verification standards.There is no cost to join Impind - neither for Service providers norfor consumers.Each service provider on Impind has a reputation to build andprotect. Better ratings mean better work opportunities. Onlyregistered users can rate service providers.Are Impind providers safe?For each provider we sign up on Impind.com, we perform an extensivebackground check & other verifications. We also encourage themto share their licenses, certifications and insurance information.Only providers who pass our strict security verification processare allowed to perform services on Impind.When requesting service, you get to pick the provider to serveyour needs You can select them based on who you would like to havework on your home and can review their profile to check theirskills and ratings.How do I order service?Ordering service is easy. Open the Impind mobile app or gotowww.impind.com Search for the type of service you are looking for,indicate where you need the service and when you need it. Impindstarts to find a match for you. As soon as a provider is found, weshow you their profile. You select the provider and getconfirmation. Next you are directly communicating with the providerto finalize logistics. Once the provider delivers the job, you paythrough Impind and then rate their performance.How are providers rated?Providers list their strengths on their profile page. After eachtransaction, consumers get to rate the provider based on theirexperience. The provider can get a thumbs up or thumbs down ratingfor each of their listed ‘skills & attributes’. In addition,consumers can add additional attributes to the providersprofile.Our Pind-o-meter rating system aggregates all reviews for theprovider into an aggregated rating number. Please be sure to rateproviders anytime you use them as it helps good service providersgain recognition for their work and your fellow consumers to hirethe right talent.
Home Service Provider - Impind 1.6
What is Impind?A mobile technology platform that provides an instant match forconsumers who are ‘looking to get something done’, with relevantproviders who can ‘get it done’Reach your target audienceImpind offers you a platform to list services you can provide.Clients can find you on Impind and give you business based on yourskill match and ratings. You dont need to spend time posting forjobs on classified listings instead focus on delivering qualitywork, building your reputation, investing in your skillsdevelopment and enjoying a better quality of life.Highlight your credentialsEach provider gets a dedicated profile page on Impind. Your profilepage shows your skills and reputation as a service provider. Userscheck your reputation, quality of service and what others say aboutyou when hiring you. Put your best foot forward!What does it cost me to join Impind?There is no cost to join Impind. its a great platform for you toshowcase your work and build an online & offline reputation foryourself.Get recognized for your talent/serviceAnytime you do good work, you now have a single place to ask yourclients to come in and give you a big thumbs-up for your work. Yourrating gets significantly enhanced each time you get a thumbs-upfrom a consumer. A strong reputation sets you apart from yourcompetition.Get business on your merit. Establish & build yourreputationYour profile page carries feedback, reviews and ratings you havereceived from consumers for work you have done. Quality work meansgreat reviews which in turn means more work coming your way!You can now build and establish a reputation as a professional.Get referrals from clientsClients can refer you to other friends. This is a great way to winnew businesses. The referral process is very easy and rewarding forconsumers and providers. Your profile page is always there as atestament to the workmanship & quality you deliver